Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Well its over. Back on the blog again for the nth time after a hiatus. Theme still remains the same. Will ramble about the same issues since things havent changed that much. Satisfied with a few things and extremely disgruntled with a lot more.

Yesterday night was my first movie screening as a Trinetra member in MICA. A voting system was set up and 'Mind Game' an animation flick turned out to be the popular choice. I love the movie, it is simple yet complex in its elements.


One single message was prelevant throught the movie- Your actions shape your life. A simple truth everyone understands but nobody acts upon it. We remain reactive in our lives and actions.

Well i am finishing of a year already in this place. Been a roller coaster experience. Getting a little homesick too. Internship in Chennai is bound to be another interesting experience. Hope i get to do some substantial work in my internship.