Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Satisfaction is a wonderful feeling and i have got big doses of this feeling over the past few days. I have been doing suprisingly well in my Finanace course where i though my doing well was as remote as Atal Behari Vajpayee losing his bachelorhood. Well Atal is still a bachelor but me now sure of getting this diploma. And to add to that i had a very satisfying and moral boosting SNAP ( admission test to Sybiosis too). Two more exams to go this week then i start preparing for the real big ones, but that another story.

So i just felt like not studying at this moment and write. But then i am simply rambling without any purpose. I am must be sounding a bit like George Bush when he talks about World peace even though he has no idea what he is speacking about. I often wondered whether i would become a politician. I would definately enjoy the power that comes along with it . Power also has this capacity to make you rich which is an added benefit. Intellectually it may seem to be downgrading but dont be mistaken , i can hardly think about any other professions that offer such intellectual challenge. Also primarily a politician is concerned with developing inter personal relationshipos which i cherish. However there is only one thing that will get me into politics and that is if the middle class start getting active in politics. whenever this votebank becomes active is going to change the face of Indian politics. Unfortunately i do not see this happening. So i wont crib about Indian politics and the charlatan politician since i do not take part in the process.

But then sometimes my parents say why dont you give the civil services exam. Again i am choosy in life and the only government civil servant post that interests me is that of a foreign ambassdor which i see dominated with men old enough to have seen World War 1. I do not have the patience to wait for my knees to go weak.

Ahh well now for the moral of this rant. Do not read posts that has the word rant as the subject .. mostly i wont make any sense.


And ooh yah the picture has go nothing to do with this post , though the whole world knows he is in Pakistan.

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