Thursday, April 20, 2006

I am a fucking regular guy

I get extremely irritated and hate it totally when i hear someone or some organisation claim , ' we are different'. How often do we come across some actor/actress pouting in the most artificial manner and proclaiming that their film is really different and unique. Or have read about how a company has a work ethic or approach totally different than others in the same line. Excepting very few hard to find exceptions most of these claims are pure bullshit and artificial to the core.

Take for instance the news channels, everyone of them are the same in delivery and content. Some lack finesse but the core news is simply market driven as it will be but still everyone claims to be different. Why cant one communicate and say , 'Hey , i am your regular news channel , expect your daily dose of mindless stories and breaking news stories about which saree Jayalalitha wore today. We provide you nothing really special, though will try to make the effort wherever or whenever we can'. What is wrong in accepting the reality and for someone to say that this movie that we have made is your regular average triangular love story with decent songs and predictable ending, hope you enjoy the film.

I hate the attempt to differentiate when none exists and the parity is clear for everyone to see. We have so many ads running on this 'its different' funda that at least i have started since quite some time to reject immediately when a brand tries to communicate and simply say its different from its competitor. I just cant listen to that rant.

All products these days are similar in terms of characteristics. Brand Managers try to bring in the differentiation between products by working on the image of the product. But i beleive with so much clutter prelevant if some brand has the guts to say , ' Fuck off , i aint special or exotic .i am as regular as you can expect and will try my best to solve your problem or fulfill your need'. Sprite uses this approach and it has worked for them.

All the real good ads that i have seen till date, simply claim to try their best at solving your problem or fulfilling our need. The communication is simple and clear and they do not bother of differentiating from their competiton much but instead focus more on communicating what they want to the consumers. I am a believe in simple and clear cut communication and dealing with the lowest denominator.

1 comment:

Sriram said...

it's because they are dealing with the lowest common denominator that they use tried n tested ways n means like, "we're different".